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PostSubject: FFFFFFFFFFFFFF   FFFFFFFFFFFFFF I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 5:54 am

I HATE MY LIFE it's fucking four eighteen in the morning =S and i can't sleep. i ahvnt slept since what thursday night. So >_< Fuck. I'm sitting here watching youtube videos. Hopeing for something whack me across the head to Koed me or atleast like PASS OUT. Grrrrr i hate my body. i really do, i hope it explodse or something -grumbles- this is so unfair. I WATCHED A DAMN DOCUMENTARY ON FUCKING EARTH

IT SUCKED BADLY, i sat there just staring at it within nine minutes i got bored. it was talking about how earth use to be rock and shit. I was like >_< FFFFFF. I think imma take a bunch of advil to make me sleepy =S but knownig my luck it wont work. so i might play my psp till it's eight am. then i can run around the house; mmm three hour sand a half to make go away =S fun. Ooo i could always get up at seven; well fake get up. and that's mm two hours ad a half. that always works. I could also always write.....but =S that gets boring when your mind gets writer's block; it's like more FFFFFFFF. yeah fun.....

I could always sit here talking to my self...tahts always fun. I'm doing it right now~ As i'm typing; always fun.....fun fun fun >_< God i could always go on byond or some game site =S pass my time there. doing nothing....except play gay games..... Mmmm tempting as it seems... or i can sit here and complain..

I like the complaining idea; see what i hate is fucking how people treat others at time in real life. It annoys me. Then the person treating the person like shit goes around and is like "Oh my god that person totally just like hurt me." When they deserved it in the first place. If your going to go bully someone, expect no respect from them. You dont' deserve it. >_< God i also hate how people go around and are like "AHH GLOBAL WARMING"

Sorry to say kiddo's, global warming isn't fucking real. The earth has been doing what it's doing now for centuries; It's completly fucking normal. So stop fucking complaining about it. All that will happen is te ice and shit will melt. Then right away the earth will freeze over causing a new ice age AGAIN. Theres been like how much ice ages so far? TONS. YEah thats right TONS! GET USE TO IT. Ooo what else is stupid is when you try to watch a movie in the theatre. The damn guy right behind you is complaining through it and talking to his buddy. DUDE IF YOU HATE THE MOVIE LEAVE. WE AINT MAKING YOU WATCH IT! COME ON!!! SHOW SOME BLOODY RESPECT FOR OTHERS IN THAT DAMN THEATRE! God i hate people grrrr

You know i've so far spent eight minutes writing all this; god i'm a loser. sitting here speaking to myself and complaining while you guys areall sleeping like perfect little angels. Mmm >_< I'm pathetic. Well it keeps me alive I guess.....Ooo what's fun though is when i was on my trip in Sask. The tunnels were epic; you'd walk down into the chinese rooms. And fuck there was one that was really nice. The cieling had a chinese lantern, and chinese pictures on the walls. There was a small bed with red and some other colour i think blakc i dont know. The floor had a nice pretty rug. oo and how we got in was the cupboards would move. The woman there just took her hand to one and swung a door open. Then another time at the Al capone hide out one. The guy gus, sent his hand to the wall and it openned up. Fucking awesome if you ask me <3.

Wow i've been watching hetalia couple crap for like an hour =S depressing I guess... You know what, i was watching some Hetalia cosplay stuff. ANd the china character was played by a female. GOD WAS SHE EVER GOOD LOOKING! Man I'd tie her up and throw her in the back of my car. wel nto really =S i'm nto a rapist. -coughs- yet -coughs- <_< >_> Oh my god my dad is fucking up LOL. wonder why =S at four thirty one in the morning, meh -shrugs- He is probably getting a drink... Meh

Oo what song i like is uptown girl; thats a good song~ oo same with Porn star dancing.
CAuse it's like "Kelly wont let me kiss her friend kassandra, jessica wont play ball, miranda won't share her friend mandy." << First part of the whole song. THe video for that song is fucking awesome. xD =S gee I'm a pervert. I guess i've proven that many times, my mind hates me =S it's like HEHEHEHEHEH THINK DIRTY THOUGHTS SCOTTY COME ON YOU CAN DO IT. And i'm like NOOOOO DON"T MAKE ME! And i'm all like AHAHHHHHHHH >_<.

You know, Whoever read up to here, was really interested in what I said. Because i would be beyond bored if I read what i was up to. I'm like the most boring person ever; and i tend to be very serious and dull~ Meh whatever =P Not my problem; when im fun you better cherish it eh? Lol. BLOODY HELL SOEMONE IS HACKING BY FLYING -shoots psp- fuckng hacker i hope he explodes and dies. >=O

Oo i watched a snuff film documentary, and a lot of snuff films are fake. they are not actually real. Some might be but not all; like Cannibal Holocaust and =S fuck i forgot the other name.....damn. Anyways. Yeah not all real. i was interested in them though =S wanted to watch them to see how well they were made.....be pretty interesting. ACtually that'd be a cool job to have being a director =S or actor.....Even though it's very hard to acomplish like a writer or artist. Anything to do with art *Acting, Sketching, painting, writing so on* Is hard to get into =S. When your an artist you dont get alot of money till yoru dead. Vincent van go himself only sold two paiintings in his lifetime. When your an actor/actress you have a lot of competition trying to get into that specific movie. when your a writer you have to be able to pay for a publisher and getting the damn thing published. Before Arthur slade *I think that shis name not sure* published his first book, he got denied fifteen times, an dhad to edit it all those times. =S Yeah....Life is hard...

Mmmmmmm, You know this hetalia roleplay was a smart idea. Cause it's fun and if we run out of scenes. We always have heather *<3 sorry callign sam by her first name cause it bothers her*. She's pretty smart with coming up with scenes, so is Emma and led. People agree good. Cause like tonight Led's scene was pretty good, with getting drunk and high and shit. Fuck that was funny <3. Yep that was fun -sways side to side boredly- Eww is it wrong that since china is a boy, i find him hot either way as an anime, because he looks like a damn girl =S Actually it probably is wrong, that was a stupid question. I can't think straight at five int he morning =S Whatever meh. I DOUBT ANYONE HAS EVEN MADE IT THIS FAR IN READING IT.

By the what second paragraph they probably got bored. and when soemone sees this they will be shitting bricks lolz. Wow listening to waking up in vegas. amde me realize NEVER to go to vegas with any of you guys. I'll end up in a very bad situation cause my luck SUCKS badly. And it'll be awkward and be like hehe....-nervous laugh, runs away- Yeah fun. That'd be creepy though =S Waking up in bed with a person you barely know in real, but know well online. It's like .....Oh hi.......Sooooo. Yeah that'd suck.. -shivers- damn imagination grrr.

Well...I think i might finally try to sleep. hopefully I do. It was fun talkign to myself on here...yep so much fun...If you read up to here. AND ALL OF IT. I congratulate you for being such a brave soul and going through boredem lands ^-^. -bows- Night ladies and gentlement.
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PostSubject: Re: FFFFFFFFFFFFFF   FFFFFFFFFFFFFF I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 9:47 am

Oh fuck scott,
Bored much?
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PostSubject: Re: FFFFFFFFFFFFFF   FFFFFFFFFFFFFF I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 10:26 am

It's spelled Vincent Van Gogh. ouo
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PostSubject: Re: FFFFFFFFFFFFFF   FFFFFFFFFFFFFF I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 1:15 pm

Emma wrote:
It's spelled Vincent Van Gogh. ouo

OH WHAT EVER IT WAS FIVE IN THE MORNING! D= give me a break, girlie. Jesus. I actually had to study that guy, it was boring. except when he chopped his ear off and gave it to his wife. XD
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PostSubject: Re: FFFFFFFFFFFFFF   FFFFFFFFFFFFFF I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 1:15 pm

Derp wrote:
Oh fuck scott,
Bored much?

I was bored ;-; nothing to do i aws all lonely so i spoke to myself
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PostSubject: Re: FFFFFFFFFFFFFF   FFFFFFFFFFFFFF I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 6:12 pm

I ONLY READ 2 paragraphs
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